Sodium Chloride .9% Irrigation

  • Code: 2375

  • Unit: 


These products are sterile, nonpyrogenic solutions of electrolytes in water for injection intended only for sterile irrigation, washing, rinsing and dilution purposes.

These irrigations contain no bacteriostat, antimicrobial agent or added buffer and are intended only for use as single-dose or short procedure irrigation. When smaller volumes are required the unused portion should be discarded.

Each of these irrigations may be classified as a sterile irrigant, wash, rinse, diluent and pharmaceutical vehicle. Sodium Chloride, USP is chemically designated NaCl, a white crystalline powder freely soluble in water.

Code Description Unit
2376 100ml EACH Add to quote
2377 500ml EACH Add to quote
2378 1 Litre EACH Add to quote
7504 30ml Sachet BX75 Add to quote