
Northland Rugby Union

USL Sport products are an incredible tool in the Northland Taniwha high performance toolbox. As Head physiotherapist, we are daily using their medical gear, taping supplies, recovery and sporting equipment. This is allowing our players to be completing their injury rehab effectively, be back on the field training and confidently staying in the game they love.
#stayinthegame #tanistime #northlandrugby

Lauren McDonald
Head Physiotherapist - Northland Rugby Union

Otago Rugby Football Union

Otago Rugby has partnered with USL since 2012, with USL being the exclusive supplier of core sports medical equipment, including medical gear, taping supplies and rehabilitation equipment to the Otago Rugby Football Union since this date. During this time USL has been efficient and responsive to our requirements, often exceeding our expectations. The product that USL has supplied to use with our representative players has been of the highest of quality and fit for purpose in terms of the demanding nature of professional rugby. The quality has assisted both our male and female athletes in their performances while playing and enabled them to #stayinthegame.

Thomas Wardhaugh
Head Physio Otago Rugby Union